Import Node
The Import node is available in GlobalCapture only.
While you can configure more than one unpublished Workflow to a single source location, each published Workflow must have a unique source.
Prior to GlobalCapture version 2.2, all documents (with the exception of e-docs like Word, Excel, etc.) are separated into individual pages. GlobalCapture 2.2 and greater only only separates documents into single page files when a node that performs page level operations is encountered. This change can have a significant impact on document processing speed for customers in scan and release style workflows, especially workflows where documents may have large page counts.

Import Node Setting for Import Type File
Node Properties
Add a title for this node. Titles are useful when reading the history in the history of a workflow for easier understanding of the overall process.
Provide a synopsis of what this node is doing, or make note of any important details. This is useful for providing additional information such as workflow details and use case information. A good description is helpful when returning to modify the workflow in the future.
Includes settings for Days, Hours and Minutes. By default, this is set to 15 minutes. Setting the frequency is important for how often you’d like for this to execute. For example, if there is a nightly upload we’d want this to run once every 24 hours and can set the frequency to do so.
The workflow will run with the scheduled frequency each time the workflow is saved. Ex. If you set the frequency to 1 hour and save the workflow at 2:42 pm, it will run immediately on save and then again at 3:42 pm and so one. If you were to modify the workflow at 3:15 pm and save, it would run immediately and then again at 4:15.
Data Validation
Data Validation checks to ensure data being added to an index field conforms to the field’s properties such as length and data type.
If enabled, a process error will occur if there is a mismatch.
If disabled, data will populate the field even if there is a mismatch.
When disabling, there should be a validation step as documents with invalid data formats will error on release to GlobalSearch.
Ex. If the imported data is $3.25, and the field is a decimal type, this will fail validation due to the $.
Generate thumbnails for Improved Validation
Generate Thumbnail for Improved Validation creates thumbnails of the pages at the time of capture. This is useful when viewing and editing documents in Validation.
Workflows that don’t involve validation or only require validation in error situations, can disable this option for improved performance.
Convert Formats to PDF
Convert Formats to PDF converts the selected file types to PDF at import. Any other file type will be imported as is. Uncheck any of these values to retain the original file type.
Word – Select to convert DOC, DOCX, RTF, HTM, and HTML file formats.
Excel – Select to convert XLS, XLSX, CSV, and TXT file formats.
PowerPoint – Select to convert PPT and PPTX file formats.
Email – Select to convert EML and MSG file formats.
Import Types
Use the provided drop down list, and select the import type for this Import node. Options include; File, Data & Documents, Email, GlobalForms, and Search. Depending on which version of GlobalCapture you are using (on-premise or Cloud hosted) will depends on the Import Options available.
For the Cloud version of GlobalCapture, there are 3 options available; Email, GlobalForms and Search.
To import for File or Data and Documents, use the CTS DirectConnect node.

Cloud Import Types
On Premise
For the on-premise version of GlobalCapture, there are five options available; File, Data and Documents, Email, GlobalForms, and Search.

On Premise Import Types
Import File
Use the File Import Type to bring legacy records in bulk into GlobalSearch or other business applications. Use it to capture scanned records directly from a multifunctional device (MFD). When selected, you can also capture data for one or more Index Fields from document file names. For example, a record named 10001_Square 9 Softworks_01012009.PDF
could automatically populate data into the Invoice Number, Vendor Name, and Invoice Date Index Fields.
Use File to monitor a “hot” folder for documents. Any document placed in this folder will be ingested into the workflow. This is useful when scanning documents from an MFP device.

Import Type: File Settings
Source Path
The location of the folder to be monitored. This accepts UNC file paths, and drive letter paths. Some examples this include:
Drive Letter Path: C:/GetSmart/Hotfolders/AP
UNC Path: //server name/Hotfolders/AP
The user account running the GlobalCapture Service will need read and write access to your hot folder location.
Import by File Name

Import by File Name
Allows you to use data in the file name in index fields. When enabled, move fields from the Process Fields column to the Fields Delimited By column, and enter the delimiter. The data in the name will populate the fields in the order they are listed.
Filename example: SoundCoast_12345_11222024
In this example, I’ve referenced the Vendor Name, the Invoice Number and the Date separated by an underscore.
This option is not available if no Process Fields have been added to the workflow prior to configuring these settings.
Single File Per Batch
Assigns a unique Batch ID to each imported file, even if ingested at the same time.
For example, if you are performing separation on large numbers of files, it might be useful to make sure every document prior to a separation step has a unique Batch ID. Without this option, all documents imported during a single sweep of an import location will be grouped with the same Batch ID.
Force Idle Wait
When scanning documents from some capture devices, files may be built page by page in the import location. This can result in the Capture Engine importing the file before it has been completed, causing a variety of issues ranging from incomplete to corrupted files. When you enable this option, the process will pause for two minutes after the file has been written to. This ensures that a file is complete before it is imported. In general, it is a good idea to enable this, although it may save some time to turn this off while testing a Workflow.
Filter by File Extension
Allows you to include or exclude specific types of files. To specify the types of files to import, select one of the following from the Filter by File Extension group:
No Filter – Select to import all types of files (the default).
Include – Select to import specific file types. Enter one or more file extensions in the text box. Use a comma to delineate between multiple file extensions.
Exclude – Select to exclude specific file types from import. Enter one or more file extensions in the text box. Use a comma to delineate between multiple file extensions.

Filter by File Extension Include
Import Data and Documents
Select the Data & Documents Import Type to import using either CSV or XML format.
Distributing documents with a CSV or XML file is a common means for file-sharing between line-of-business applications or for receiving records from a conversion services bureau. You can use this to set up a script for automating the import, where a “hot folder” can be monitored for inbound records being delivered via FTP. A valuable tool for bulk imports, users who share data with external sources or rely on outsourced scanning services can now accept and directly import their converted files automatically through FTP rather than upload from a DVD or external hard disk.
When creating a Workflow with this Import Type, it is a good idea to create the necessary Process Fields first and then set the Import Node. Please note that this works with regular Fields, not with Multi-Value Fields.

Import Type: Data & Documents Settings
File Format
Selecting CSV or XML indicates the file type the Import Node is looking to import.
When CSV is selected, there are options for the source path, field delimiter, string delimiter, process fields, headers and image files.
Source Path: Enter the path to the directory to be monitored for import in the Source Path text box. The files associated with the data do not need to be in the same path. File paths for each row in the CSV are indicated in the data. The service account running the GlobalCapture Engine will need direct access to the files, wherever they are located.
Field Delimiter: The character used in the CSV file to separate the fields. The default is a comma.
String delimiter: The character used to denote a string in the CSV file. The default is quotation marks.
Source includes headers: used to map the data in the file to GlobalCapture fields. If present, the data will be automatically mapped to the GlobalCapture field with the same name. If not present, you must add the GlobalCapture fields in the order of the data in the file by moving them from the Process Fields column to the Header column.
Preserve image files: when enabled, the original files will remain in their source location. If disabled, they will be removed.
When XML is selected, there are options only for the source path, and to preserve image files.

Import XML Settings
How to use Import Data and Documents
To import CSV files, In the Import Type group, click Data & Documents.
To use a CSV data file, do the following:
In the File Format group, enable CSV.
Enter the path to the directory to be monitored for import in the Source Path text box. The files associated with the data do not need to be in the same path. File paths for each row in the CSV are indicated in the data. The service account running the GlobalCapture Engine will need direct access to the files, wherever they are located.
Enter the character used to denote a field in the CSV in the Field Delimiter text box.
Enter the characters used to denote a string in the CSV in the String Delimiter text box.
To include column headers in the CSV data being imported, enable Source File Includes Headers.
To preserve the image files specified in the CSV files in their source location, enable Preserve Image Files.
Click Save.
To import XML files, do the following:
In the File Format group, enable XML.
Enter the path to the Windows directory to be monitored for import in the Source Path text box.
To preserve the original image files referenced in the XML files in their source location, enable Preserve Image Files.
Click Save.
Import Emails
Choose the Email Import Type to automatically capture documents and indexing data from a watched email inbox.
Under protocol, there are three options; POP, IMAP or Exchange. Only one protocol may be selected at a time.
Note that for Exchange mail servers you must use the Exchange connection type.
POP or IMAP connections are not reliable when working with some versions of Exchange servers.
If you are using Exchange the server address should be formatted like this: https://[yourserver]/ews/exchange.asmx

Import Type: Email Settings
Speak to your Email Administrator for the following settings:
What protocol is being used? POP, IMAP or Exchange.
What is the server address and port number for the email server?
Is SSL enabled?
Secure Sockets Layers (SSL) encryption may be required by your server, depending upon your installation. To use it, in the Security Mode group, click Use SSL and then select None (the default), Implicit (passive security), or Explicit (active security) as your SSL type.
Credentials for the email inbox to import emails into GlobalCapture. This includes the username or email address, and the password.
Delete Emails on Import
When enabled, this option removes the emails from the inbox when they are imported. This is enabled by default.
Single File Per Batch
To bring in each file with a unique Batch ID number, enable Single File per Batch. This assigns each email a separate batch ID even if ingested at the same time.
Message and Attachments – Select this to import both the email message and its attachments. This is enabled by default. If selected, you can enable Separate Message and Attachments.
Attachments Only – Select this to import only the attached documents, without the email message. If this is selected, you can filter the types of attached files by entering one or more file extensions in the Filter Attachments text box. If you want to filter by more than one type of file, separate the file extensions with semicolons.
This excludes email attachments if you enter in file types such as .pdf or .xlsx.
If you are releasing to an Archive, and you want to capture email properties such as the subject, sender, date or other information, make sure that the Process Field names that you add into your Workflow exactly match the email properties. For more information, see the Email Fields section in Field Properties.
Enable authentication using oAuth. Enter the Tenant, Client ID, and Client Secret to use this type of authentication.
Office 365 users must use oAuth per the security requirements of the platform. More detail setup instructions are found here.

oAuth Settings
Import GlobalForms Web Forms
If you have GlobalForms 10 or higher installed, GlobalCapture can import and map form submissions, in addition to managing complex resubmission workflows. Data will be written to a PDF version of the form and imported into GlobalCapture, with index data from the form in GlobalForms. Create a web form using the GlobalForms Designer and create at least one submission. Map the form to create a PDF file with the relevant field data. (Please see Mapping a Form and Process and Release Submissions in the GlobalForms guide for more information.)

Import Type: GlobalForms Settings
GlobalForms Portal
To start, select a GlobalForms Portal from the drop-down list. For information on setting up a GlobalForms Portal, refer to our knowledge base article, Portal Management. A GlobalForms portal is automatically created when GlobalForms is installed.
GlobalForms Mapping
Select a form from the drop-down list, to import into GlobalCapture. Any time a submission for this form is created, GlobalCapture will import it automatically. If you form is not in the mapping list, you need to create a GlobalForms Mapping.
How to use Import GlobalForms webforms
To capture from GlobalForms, create one or more GlobalForms portals in the Portals interface.
Create Index Fields in GlobalCapture with the exact same name as the GlobalForms field labels to map the fields. Add the Fields to the Process Fields Pane.
In the Import Type group, click GlobalForms. In the GlobalForms Portal drop-down list that appears, select an instance of GlobalForms.
Select a form from the GlobalForms Mapping drop-down list.
Click Save.
Import Search
Choose the Import Search type to utilize a Batch Search for GlobalCapture Workflows, or use a static search from an archive within GlobalSearch. This option is useful for:
Import from other workflows, reducing the need for a cluttered design surface.
Import from multiple other nodes into a single point on the design surface.
Import and delete older processes based on a “Last Accessed” timeframe.
Import and archive older processes into a different MongoDB collection.
Retention handling for documents stuck in a Queue Node or Validation Node for too long.
Prevent importing into an error recovery state repeatedly using the NodeEncountered property.
The searches available in the list will only be those to which the user is secured.
Searches should identify documents based on Workflow name/ID, Current node, Status, Last accessed or Queue criteria to prevent from continuous import of the same processes. By setting a unique identifier in your search, you can prevent documents from “looping” in a workflow process.
When using searches for your GlobalCapture Search or GlobalSearch Search options, it’s recommended to use a search with static values. A static value search is a search where the end-user is not presented with a search prompt, and a search runs in the background to retrieve the desired results. An example of this would be to create a search to identify any fields that have blank values in an archive, then re-import them back into a GlobalCapture workflow process.
When using a GlobalCapture Batch Search in the Import Search Type, it’s recommended to avoid using any searches that identify any batches in a “Processing”” or “Processed” status(es). These batches are currently being used by either a GlobalCapture Workflow engine, or a GlobalAction Workflow Engine.
GlobalCapture Search
Allows processes to seamlessly move between published workflows. Use GlobalCapture Searches to import documents that have errored, have been waiting in a queue or validation node for too long, or clean up your processes by removing older processes. This might allow for a workflow that manages an approval process to then feed a workflow that manages and archiving process, or a release of data to another cloud application.
Disable Timer - When a GlobalCapture process reaches an end node, the engine will check to see if the criteria matches another search based initiator. If so, that workflow will execute immediately on that document. When enabled, Disable Timer will ensure the workflow only runs when a document that meets the search criteria completes a process, avoiding wasted effort.

Import Type: GlobalCapture Search Settings
Select a Search from the Batch Search list. This is a drop-down list containing all of the batch searches currently found in your Batch Manager to which you are secured. If you don’t see you search in the list, click the Refresh (
) icon. If the search is still missing, check your Search Security.

Batch Search List
Default Search
When using GlobalCapture Searches, two default searches exist: Error Importing and Retention
Error Importing - Checks for any processes within the selected Process Portal with a current status of Errored. Further narrow down the results by limiting to specific Workflow ID’s and/or specific nodes. The search parameters are concatenated with the AND operator: Status AND Workflow ID AND Current Node Name
Retention - Checks for any processes within the selected Process Portal that are marked Completed. Further narrow down the results by entering a First Accessed Before date (ingest any processes that were accessed for the first time before the entered date) and/or a Last Accessed Before date (ingest any processes that have not been access since the entered date). The search parameters are concatenated with the AND operator: First Accessed Before AND Last Accessed Before AND Status

Error Importing Default Search

Retention Default Search
Select the Process Portal. Any workflows that are assigned to the selected Process portal and meet the search criteria, will be imported into the workflow.
Modify any desired search criteria to broaden or narrow the search results.
Click Save.
Batch Search
Batch Searches are the list of GlobalCapture searches to which you are secured.
Select a Batch Search from the list.
Modify any desired search criteria to broaden or narrow the search results.
Click Save.

Visible Batch Search Prompts
The displayed search criteria will only show non-hidden criteria for the search selected, similar to what is seen in the Batch Manager.
GlobalSearch Search
When importing documents using GlobalSearch searches, ALL documents meeting the search criteria will be imported into the capture process. Unlike a GlobalCapture Search, there are no configurable options for GlobalSearch searches. Ensure your search only returns the precise documents you wish to ingest into the workflow. It is highly recommended to user very specific searches for this process and throughly test those searches before applying them in the workflow.
This functionality will not import from Archives that are PDF conversion or check in/check out archives, the importer will error at the time of import in the engine. Any permissions issues related to the GlobalSearchPortal account being unable to export or delete the documents out of the Archive for whatever reason will result in an error.
Use GlobalSearch Searches to import documents currently residing in GlobalSearch for reprocessing. This could be useful for documents missing index data at the time of original import or moving a document to a new archive with new index data.
Any document imported from this search will be exported and deleted from GlobalSearch.
Any field information on the document will also be exported. When field information is imported, if a matching property of the same name exists on the workflow (in the Process Fields pane), it will automatically map to that field.
If process fields do not exist for the data, the importer will generate a GlobalSearch linked property pointed back to the the field in GlobalSearch.

Import Type: GlobalSearch Search Settings
This data is not available to the workflow for process fields for automated decision making processes. If the document is then released back to a GlobalSearch Archive, any index fields in the destination archive that match the linked fields will be populated. Any other linked data will not be transmitted to the GlobalSearch Database and be lost.
Accounts Payable Archive Fields - Vendor Name, Invoice Number, Amount
Accounts Receivable Archive Fields - Customer Name, Invoice Number, Amount
If a document in the Accounts Payable archive is ingested by a GlobalCapture workflow without corresponding Process Fields, it will display in Validation with the Vendor Name, Invoice Number, and Amount. If then released to the GlobalSearch Accounts Receivable archive, the Invoice Number and Amount will populate, the Customer name will remain empty and the Vendor Name data will be dropped.
Select the Square9 API Portal that contains the databases and searches to access. Generally speaking, there is usually one portal listed, as it’s connected to the corresponding GlobalSearch instance.
Select the Database that contains the search.
From the Search Select list, select the search to pull documents from their current archive(s), and reprocess them through a GlobalCapture workflow.