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Process Class

Represents a process in memory, containing properties, methods and classes for use in process manipulation.

public class Process


The following example sets the ProcessStatus of an executing process to validation.

public class SetToValidation : CustomNode
    public override void Run()


Classes derived from CustomNode automatically have access to the executing process as a Process class. Additionally, Processes are returned from methods such as GetProcessById or GetProcessesByProperty.

This class is a base type from which the ActionProcess and CaptureProcess derive. It holds only the methods and properties that can be shared between the two products. The base class of Process can be casted to its derived types like so:

var process = Database.GetProcessById(1);
if (process is CaptureProcess captureProcess) 

Changes made to the Process class on the derived CustomNode class are saved automatically at the conclusion of the node.

Processes returned from methods are held in memory unless inserted or updated in the database using Database methods.


Represents the properties of a process, containing methods for getting and setting property values.

int Id

Id of the process.

ProcessType ProcessType

Type of the process.

dynamic Workflow

Dynamic object containing the workflow that this process is based on. Changes made to this object will not be saved. 


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