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1. Install Database And Workflow Components

The Vendor Invoice Approval workflow is delivered via Square 9's Solution Delivery Network.  The SDN offers customers a variety ready to run database designs, workflows, capture processes, and web forms.  Square 9's unique approach to delivering ready to run solutions allows customers to save time and money, deploying processes that would take days or weeks to deliver in a matter of a few hours.  Vendor Invoice Approval is accessed and deployed in two parts.

License Requirements

To leverage workflow processes, customers need a GlobalAction license.  For cloud customers, GlobalSearch C2 Workgroups Edition or Enterprise Edition come standard with the necessary license to enable invoice process automation. 

Download The Database Components

An Accounts Payable archive is added to a new or existing GlobalSearch database.  The Archive, supporting Fields, and related Searches are available from the QuickStart menu in the GlobalSearch Administration page.  When prompted for a Solution Template, choose "Accounts Payable" from the Business Essentials With Workflow section.

For customers already using GlobalSearch within their organization, we recommend making all changes in a test database first to ensure you completely understand the impact of any changes to the system.  More details on using the QuickStart Application Builder can be found here.  

Download The Workflow Components

Workflows in the Solution Delivery Network are accessed from the GlobalCapture Admin page. Before downloading the workflow, it is typically a good idea to first download and install the database components outlined in the previous section.


Select the Migration (1) menu option, then click the GlobalAction tab (2).  Click the Cloud button (3) to access the available list of workflows.  In the Business Essentials section, download the AP Invoice Approval workflow.


Before importing the workflow, make sure the Clear Email Options setting is unchecked.  Leaving this option checked will make necessary additional advanced configuration steps.

More details on transporting workflows can be found here.

When installing the workflow, you will need to select the Search used by the workflow to identify documents for processing.  If you are using the packaged Accounts Payable (Workflow) archive, you will have a Search already setup for this task named GlobalAction - Invoice Approval.  When prompted, choose this Search in the list provided.

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