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Process Addons For Business Essentials

The GlobalSearch C2 for Business Essentials community can easily  extend the digital transformation capabilities of their installation through the addition of GlobalCapture or GlobalCapture Convey.  We have created prepackaged workflows that quickly add intelligent capture through a plug and play experience.  Ranging from Accounts Payable Invoice processing to the conversion of Contract images to Microsoft Word format, these workflows can be downloaded for use across the entire Business Essentials database. 

By using the GlobalCapture, you can begin leveraging the benefit of capture automation and data extraction almost immediately. Consult the GlobalCapture Documentation on Transporting Workflows to learn just how easy importing one or all of these workflows can be.

Version Warning

Please note that the workflows documented here assume a GlobalCapture version of 2.4 or greater.  These workflows will not work on versions below 2.4.

Download the Workflows

The workflows are available from Square 9's solution delivery network in the Business Essentials section:

For help importing a workflow either in your on-premise or cloud based system, refer to the documentation found here.

Available Business Essentials Workflows

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