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How To Install Microsoft Access Engine ODBC Connector

Step-by-step guide

By default, Microsoft does not allow both the x64 and x86 Microsoft Access Engine ODBC Connectors to be installed on the same machine simultaneously. There is a workaround for this.

If you have the x64 version already installed and wish to install the x86 version alongside it follow these steps:

  1. Using Windows Explorer, navigate to the directory where AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe is located.

  2. Hold shift and right-click in the blank space within that window.

  3. Select “Open command window here.”

  4. Type “AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe /passive” without the quotes.

  5. The installer window will appear and complete silently. There will not be a notification that it completed successfully.

  6. For verification, navigate to Add/Remove Programs and you should see two entries for “Microsoft Access database engine 2010 (English)

Likewise, if you have the x86 version already installed and wish to install the x64 version alongside it, perform the same steps as above, but instead type “AccessDatabaseEngine.exe /passive” for Step 4.

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