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Wait Node

This node applies to GlobalAction only.

The Wait Node creates a pause in the process for a set period of time, defined in minutes, hours, or days. You can schedule Notification to escalate over time. This timed event trigger is useful for retention scheduling or escalation notices, for example, multiple Wait Nodes may be added to a Workflow design. When a document is in a Wait state, only a system administrator has access to edit it.


Wait Node


Wait Node Properties

Node Properties


Add a title for this node. Titles are useful when reading the history in the history of a workflow for easier understanding of the overall process.


Provide a synopsis of what this node is doing, or make note of any important details. This is useful for providing additional information such as workflow details and use case information. A good description is helpful when returning to modify the workflow in the future.


Set a period of time, defined in minutes, hours, or days.

This timed event trigger is useful for retention scheduling or escalation notices, for example, multiple Wait Nodes may be added to a Workflow design.
When a document is in a Wait state, only a system administrator has access to edit it. If you do not have access, speak to you GlobalAction Administrator for further assistance.

Use Case

Use Wait Nodes to Set Reminders

Send a repeated email reminder to approve or reject an invoice, while pausing to allow the AP Manager time to take action before reminding her once again. The Workflow would contain a Queue with a one-day Wait node, a Repeat node to allow for escalation after a fixed number of reminders, and an Email notification addressed to the AP Manager. Each day for the set number of repeats, the notification would be resent. If the maximum number of repeats occurs and no manual action is taken, it automatically follows the end repetition path to a process to handle document with no action taken.

A queue node containing a wait node connected to a repeat node.  Repeat is connect to an email node that is connected back to the wait node.  The repeat node has a second output to handle what happens when the maximum number of repeats is exceeded.

3 Day Email Reminder

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