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Repeat Node

The Repeat node is a standard GlobalCapture and GlobalAction node and is not available in the Solutions Delivery Network.  Upgrading to GlobalCapture 3.1 will add the Repeat node to the Nodes Pane.

When documents are moving through capture and/or approval processes they often encounter steps that require repetition.  Some such workflow patterns are working with line-item transactions and table fields, controlling the number of attempts to perform a task, sending out a reminder email, etc.  The Repeat node makes the process of repeating patterns simple. 

The Repeat node has two outputs:

  • Continue Repetition – Path followed when the Repeat Count is less than the Number of Repeats Allowed.

  • End Repetition - Path followed then the Repeat Count equals the Number of Repeats Allowed.

Repeat Node.png

Repeat Node

Node Properties

Repeat node setting when no process fields are in the process field pane.

Repeat Node Settings No Process Fields

Repeat node setting with added Store Current Repeat Count option that becomes available when process fields are in the process field pane.

Repeat Node Settings with Process Fields


Add a title for this node. Titles are useful when reading the history in the history of a workflow for easier understanding of the overall process.


Provide a synopsis of what this node is doing, or make note of any important details. This is useful for providing additional information such as workflow details and use case information. A good description is helpful when returning to modify the workflow in the future.

Number of Repeats Allowed

Enter a numeric value greater than 0.  This is the number of times the repeat will occur before following the End Repetition Path.

Entering a value of zero will always send the process down the End Repetition path with no repeats.

Store Current Repeat Count

Stores the value of the Repeat Count if a Process Field.  This is useful to access the value of the Repeat Count in your workflow.  Ex. If you wanted to track how many times each document repeats before action is taken or if it follows the End Repetition path. 

This option is only available in the settings if there are Process Fields available in the Process Fields pane.

Reset Counter on Exit

Resets the Repeat Counter when the document exits the Repeat node via either path.

This is important to consider if the document can end up back at this node.  If you do not reset the counter, if it returns to this node, it will follow the End Repetition path the first time through as the Repeat Count value will be retained.

Repeat Count Paths

When a document enters the Repeat node for the first time, the Repeat Counter has a value of 0.  It checks this value against the Number of Repeats Allowed value.  The output will depend on how the value of the Repeat Counter compares to the Number of Repeats Allowed.

Repeat node path settings for continue repetition.

Continue Repetition

Repeat Counter < Number of Repeats Allowed

The Repeat Counter is increased by 1 and the document will follow the Continue Repetition path.   

Repeat node path settings for end repetition.

End Repetition

Repeat Counter = Number of Repeats Allowed

The Repeat Count will not be increased and the document will follow the End Repetition path.


Daily Reminder - Send out an automated daily reminder of a process awaiting validation. If not acted upon within a certain number of days, escalate the process.

  • Configure the Number of Repeats allow for the number of days you want this to occur before it follows the End Repetition path.

  • Configure an Action in the Validate node with a Timer and connect it back to the Repeat node. Each time the document enters the Validate node, the timer begins counting, if no action is manually taken, it will follow this path back to the Repeat node.

Repeat node sends email repeatedly before moving along the process.

Daily Email Reminder

Email Idle Projects List - Projects without any updates for a certain period of time may be considered at risk. Generate an email report of these projects.

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