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Send to QuickBooks

The QuickBooks Connections products from Square 9 integrate the power of GlobalSearch with the popular Intuit® QuickBooks® accounting software. You must have the optional module QuickBill, a desktop version of QuickBooks installed, and your Field Catalog configured for QuickBooks.

  1. Run a Search, select a document, and open it in the Document Viewer.

  2. Open a Company File in your local instance of QuickBooks and open a Transaction.
  3. In GlobalSearch, open a document in the Document Viewer and enter information in the Fields.
    In the Quickbooks Transaction Index Field, choose the Transaction appropriate for the document. (For example, if you are viewing a bill, select Bill, etc.
  4. Click Save Changes.
  5. Click the ellipses in the upper right corner of  the toolbar to expose the Actions menu

  6. Click Actions in the toolbar and select Send to QuickBooks

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