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Prebuilt ActiveCollab Integrations


ActiveCollab offers project management and collaboration solutions. With a complete set of data points available from their API, ActiveCollab users can extend and enhance their usage with the power of GlobalCapture’s automation platform.

ActiveCollab API’s are documented here:

Available Integrations

  • Email Idle Projects List

    Projects without any updates for a certain period of time may be considered at risk. Generate an email report of these projects.

Notes on ActiveCollab

  • Documentation on authentication is incorrect. For working functional examples, refer to their Git repo here.

    • Authentication requires two requests.

      1. A POST to external/login

      2. A POST to issue-token-intent

    • Requests to API endpoints after login must include an additional header X-Angie-AuthApiToken, with the token value returned from issue-token-intent.

  • Some requests may be paged. Be sure to understand request paging and account for it accordingly in your flows.

    • Specify the page of interest in with the ‘page’ query parameter.

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