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How To Recreate GlobalSearch and GlobalCapture Services

This Batch script is used to install the services in the event they weren’t installed correctly. This can be run as a .bat file or as single command line items, though if you choose to run these in CMD ensure you delete the additional backslashes (used for escaping in a .bat file.)

Please note that you will have to adjust these scripts as necessary depending on drive letter or engine number.

To Delete a Bad Service:

sc delete <ServiceName>

If you are encountering an error after trying to create a service below following the above deletion, make sure to close the Services menu between the deletion and the creation of the new service or you may receive error 1072

Update a Service:

If you need to move where MongoDB is installed/running from, instead of deleting the service entirely you can selectively update the binPath to point to the new MongoDB location. This will allow you to retain the service dependacies for GlobalCapture_1 and GlobalAction_1 services.

sc config MongoDB binPath="new mongodb command"

sc.exe config documentation

To Use:

The script has all the services so only run what you need from this script and remove what you don’t.

sc create MongoDB binPath= "\"C:\GetSmart\MongoDB\bin\mongod.exe\" --config \"C:\getsmart\mongod.cfg\" --service" start=auto
sc create Globalforms binPath="\"C:\Program Files\nodejs\Node.exe\" \"C:\GlobalForms\Service\" --run" start=auto depend="MongoDB"
sc create ssBatchPortal binPath= "\"C:\Getsmart\BatchPortal\ssBatchPortal.exe\" -service" start=auto depend="MongoDB"
sc create SSLicenseClean binPath= "\"C:\GetSmart\SSLicenseClean.exe\" -service" start=auto depend="MSMQ"
sc create ssCaptureManager binPath= "\"C:\GetSmart\ssCaptureManager.exe\" -service" start=auto ***
sc create GlobalCapture_[EngineNumberHere] binPath= "\"C:\GetSmart\CaptureServices\GlobalCapture_1\Square9.GlobalCapture.exe\" -service" start=auto depend="MongoDB" **
sc create Square9.GlobalAction binPath= "\"C:\GetSmart\Square9.GlobalAction.exe\" -service" start=auto depend="MongoDB"
sc create GlobalAction_[EngineNumberHere] binPath= "\"C:\GetSmart\ActionServices\GlobalAction_1\Square9.GlobalAction.exe\" -service" start=auto depend="MongoDB" *
sc create ssContentIndex binPath= "\"C:\GetSmart\ssContentIndex.exe\" -service" start=auto
sc create ssDocWFManager binPath= "\"C:\GetSmart\ssDocWFManager.exe\" -service" start=auto
sc create ssImpEngine binPath= "\"C:\GetSmart\SSIMPORTERWS.exe\" -service" start=auto

GlobalSearch 6.1+:

In newer versions of GlobalSearch (6.1+) many of the exe locations have migrated from the GetSmart directory to Program Files, here are the updated service creation commands along with the new 6.1+ Identity Manager Service;

sc create SSLicenseClean binPath= "\"C:\Program Files\Square 9 Softworks\License manager\SSLicenseClean.exe\" -service" start=auto depend="MSMQ"
sc create "Square 9 Identity Manager" binPath= "\"C:\Program Files\Square 9 Softworks\Identity Manager\Square9.IdentityManager.exe\"" start=auto
sc create ssContentSearch binPath= "\"C:\Program Files\Square 9 Softworks\Content Search\ssContentIndex.exe\" -service" start=auto depend="MSMQ"
sc create ssDocuSignRetriever binPath= "\"C:\Program Files\Square 9 Softworks\DocuSign Retriever\Square9.DocuSignRetriever.exe\" -service" start=manual
sc create SSImp Engine binPath= "\"C:\Program Files\Square 9 Softworks\Importer\SSIMPORTERWS.exe\"" start=auto depend="MSMQ"
sc create SSXMLTransform binPath "\"C:\Program Files\Square 9 Softworks\XML Transform\SSXMLConverter.exe\"" start=auto

* Only necessary on GlobalCapture versions 2.2.0.X or later

** Only necessary on GlobalCapture versions 2.1.2.X and prior

*** Only necessary on GlobalSearch versions prior to 4.4.X.X

Miscellaneous Services:

sc create "GlobalCapture CTS DirectConnect Service" binPath="\"C:\Program Files\Square 9 Softworks\CTS DirectConnect\CTS DirectConnect Service.exe\"" start=auto
sc create "DirectConnect Import Engine" binPath="\"C:\GSMedia\DirectConnect\DirectConnectService.exe\"" start=auto
sc create "CloudBridge Service" binPath"\"C:\Program Files\Square 9 Softworks\CloudBridge\CloudBridge.exe\"" start=auto
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