GlobalCapture 2.4 - Resolved Issues and Enhancements
Issue ID | Summary |
10711 | Cannot tab through Dynamic lists in a table field |
11516 | Workflows can enter a state where they have encountered an end node, but are not marked completed |
11356 | Legacy workflow converted is missing property -7, SubmissionID, batch gets stuck in Processing |
12086 | Unable to log in using a domain user that is allocated a license through a local group |
12052 | Date field is unparsed and contains format when there's a bracket in Set Process Field node |
11615 | Custom Nodes: Process.Properties.SetTableFieldProperty() errors on empty tables |
11887 | Custom Nodes: Specific custom node DLL causes errored processes at runtime |
11262 | Validation Users cannot fix incorrect field values - Save Failed |
6375 | Performance issues in a large volume Mongo environment |
12254 | Form import fails if submission is deleted after the total count of available submissions is retrieved |
11763 | PDF convert errors for specific form fillable PDF: Unable to convert type FilePdfObjectDef |
11976 | Form submissions with cleared Date/Time values cause Invalid Date error and cannot be imported |
11882 | Custom Nodes: SQL Set Field errors if SQL Query returns no rows |
12074 | XML Import D&D: Data from one process will persist into the next if the second XML is missing a field |
12213 | Action Custom Node: SQL Set Field out links are blank after Save when going to a Queue node |
6428 | Export Data Node: 2nd and 3rd columns exported to wrong column |
12292 | Action with FieldTimeout config added: SQL Export errors if table field is present |
11884 | Specific file error at convert and then processes successfully after Set To Ready |
12189 | Installer: Error pop-up indicating Action engine in registry, but not MSI, can occur when upgrading GC |
9220 | Designer: Invalid workflow can be saved if unlinked node is inside group node |
11361 | Designer: Add a refresh button for Initiator Node Searches |
11352 | Workflow conversion fails due to missing Square9.CustomNode.dll |
11950 | Engine installer upgrade resets config values |
12253 | Engine always caches the GFS license count checks with no timeout |
12142 | Separation: Classify with separator zone should keep the first pages as the lowest number process ID |
12205 | Export Data with option Append to Existing ON randomly skips rows |
11233 | Export Data: error the batch if export is not done |
12059 | Convert Node errors for specific file: Incorrect determined type for MLPdfDictionary |
12295 | Scan Station: opening User Settings menu triggers license expired message |
12257 | Engine: Implement LicenseTimeout for all registered features not just GFS count |
12238 | User Mgmt: Confirm Password field does not update error to reflect changes in first password field |
12217 | Form processes intermittently return TLS error when entering a Validate node |
12208 | Validation Viewer dropdown lists over 100 will be displayed as strict TypeAheads |
12183 | Validation station: Unable to run right click search: Includes, Does not equal |
12162 | Viewer: KFI in a table field skips over every other column when tabbing |
12133 | Action - Error Import node doesn't pick up errored processes |
12130 | Mongo upgrade scripts: not Completed batches error due to missing properties post upgrade |
12115 | Migration: Password-related error text is displayed in the password field in GC Import Settings |
12061 | Custom Nodes: Fixes for cross volume configuration |
12060 | Unable to Open Action document when GSW and GCW servers are on separate machines |
12057 | [Windows Issue] Limited results from large user/group sets when querying AD |
11994 | Installer should not create C:\GetSmart\ssInterface.exe.config |
11964 | Installer errors when connecting to SQL when running with only TLS 1.2 enabled |
11933 | Action Installer: Remove "Square9Api"entry from Square9.GlobalAction.exe.config |
11896 | Custom Nodes: Documents are placed in domain cache directory after executing custom import node |
11891 | Custom Nodes: CaptureProcessing directories persist after running custom node |
11878 | Validation user cannot save Assembly Bound List value that is not present in SSCapture.ssListValues |
11875 | CLD will only be licensed if also registered |
11874 | Changes to subprocess management for Disaster Recovery |
11873 | GlobalAction Custom Nodes consume a DGN or ADM license |
11812 | Installer: Clean-up capture files out of GetSmart - AuthenticationSettings.xml |
11801 | Installer: In Windows start menu, move GC application to the Square 9 Softworks group |
11462 | GCW Installer: Prompt user and ask if they wish to also install Action |
11353 | Action engine install does not chain on a fresh install against 6.1 Search version |
11311 | Form Import: the logout call is firing twice when there are no submissions to process |
11217 | Installer upgrades: duplicate config entries available |
10900 | Engines fail to run on Mongo versions 4.2 or higher |
10672 | Template Designer: Saving templates fails after upgrading from |
9755 | Capture install: upgrade to targetFramework="4.7.2" |
9082 | Zone Highlighting: Incorrect page is zoomed if field is selected before page fully loads |
9022 | Validation Station GUI: Duplicate notification "BPM license required" |
7016 | Designer enforces action license count per DB, it should enforce the count over all DBs |
6739 | GlobalAction Licensing: Unable to obtain a new license if a network issue occurs |
6679 | Rapid Adapt: ADD MARKER button is cut off when there is no process fields |
6419 | GA/GC Condition Node GUI: long string breaks Conditional Select form |
5897 | Release Node: Workflow will not error if destination inbox is deleted |
5877 | Typeahead list: cannot use keyboard directional keys, Enter to select a value |
5837 | Template Designer: Unable to draw zone past page 3 |
5095 | GlobalCapture Installer: Ability to set Square9API Portal for advanced setups |