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Getting Data from a Static URL

You may need to connect and iterate through data exposed to you through an external application or even some of GlobalForms 10’s internal calls, such as a list of forms or results from it’s database connector. The example below is an example of how to connect to a URL and iterate through the results, which could be used to set a field or populate another object, such as a datagrid.

var payloadresult;
var formioBaseUrl = Formio.getBaseUrl();
const formio = new Formio.makeStaticRequest("theURLToQuery");
Formio.makeStaticRequest("theURLToQuery").then((payloadresult) => {

if (payloadresult.rows)
    // Loop through each row of the result and show each result in developer console.
    for(var i=0;i<payloadresult.rows.length;i++)

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