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Registration Management

Use the Customer Serial Number and Unique Identifier Number sent at installation from Square 9 Fulfillment when registering your software. Using the software without registration will allow only limited product functionality. For further details on registering your Square 9 software, please contact or call 203-789-0889.


GlobalCapture Registration interface.

You can access the Registration interface to add a user license, add an instance, or change a demo version of GlobalCapture to a production version.

  1. To access registration settings, click the Manage (
    Manage icon.
    ) button from the GlobalCapture home page or the Manage ( 
    Manage icon.
    ) icon in the toolbar to open the Administration interface.

  2. Click Registration.

  3. Click View License Agreement to go to the EULA (End User License Agreement) page on the website to review the license agreement.

  4. To register your installation, choose one of the following:

    • Automatically – To register automatically online, click Web Registration. Enter your Square 9 serial number in the Serial Number text box. Click Register to begin the activation process, which should only take a few seconds. The activation process will automatically register your installation. Note that a serial number may only register an installation once. If you are attempting register a new installation with a serial number that has been used previously, you will need to contact Square 9 support.

      The Engine Web Registration interface.

    • Manually – To register manually, click Manual Registration. You will need to contact Square 9's fulfillment team by phone. You will be prompted for your Square 9 serial and ID numbers. Enter the registration number provided by Square 9 in the Registration text box and then click Register.

      The Manual Registration interface.
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