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Initiator Node

This node applies to GlobalAction only.

The Initiator Node begins a GlobalAction Workflow. Only one Initiator Node is allowed per Workflow. It does not have to be dragged onto the Design Canvas first, but must be present before the Workflow will save and run. The Workflow is initiated by locating documents based on a static Search, can match from both Index Fields and Table Fields. When a document is located via the Search, it is drawn into the business process.


Initiator Node


Initiator Node Properties

Node Properties


Add a title for this node. Titles are useful when reading the history in the history of a workflow for easier understanding of the overall process.


Provide a synopsis of what this node is doing, or make note of any important details. This is useful for providing additional information such as workflow details and use case information. A good description is helpful when returning to modify the workflow in the future.


Includes settings for Days, Hours and Minutes. By default, this is set to 15 minutes. Setting the frequency is important for how often you’d like for this to execute. For example, if there is a nightly upload we’d want this to run once every 24 hours and can set the frequency to do so.

The workflow will run with the scheduled frequency each time the workflow is saved. Ex. If you set the frequency to 1 hour and save the workflow at 2:42 pm, it will run immediately on save and then again at 3:42 pm and so one. If you were to modify the workflow at 3:15 pm and save, it would run immediately and then again at 4:15.

GlobalCapture Searches

For GlobalCapture Searches to function properly in a GlobalAction workflow, they MUST return GlobalAction processes. GlobalCapture processes CANNOT be ingested into a GlobalAction workflow.

Use GlobalCapture Searches to import documents that have errored, have been waiting in a queue for too long, or clean up your processes by deleting or moving completed GlobalAction processes. When GlobalCapture is selected for Initiator Search, you are presented with the following settings:

Disable Timer

When enabled, the workflow only runs when a document that meets the search criteria completes a process, avoiding wasted effort. This is enabled by default.

Batch Search

This is a drop-down list containing all of the batch searches currently found in your Batch Manager to which you are secured. If you don’t see your search in the list, click the Refresh icon.

Process Portal

Once a Batch Search is selected, an additional drop-down may become available where a Process Portal can be selected.

When using GlobalCapture Searches, two default searches exist: Error Importing and Retention.

  • Error Importing: Checks for any processes within the selected Process Portal with a current status of Errored. Further narrow down the results by limiting to specific Workflow ID’s and/or specific nodes. The search parameters are concatenated with the AND operator: Status AND Workflow ID AND Current Node Name.

  • Retention: Checks for any processes within the selected Process Portal that are marked Completed. Further narrow down the results by entering a First Accessed Before date (ingest any processes that were accessed for the first time before the entered date) and/or a Last Accessed Before date (ingest any processes that have not been access since the entered date). The search parameters are concatenated with the AND operator: First Accessed Before AND Last Accessed Before AND Status.

GlobalSearch Searches

Use GlobalSearch Searches to import documents currently residing in GlobalSearch. Some such uses could be:

  • Documents missing index data at the time of original import.

  • Moving a document to a new archive

  • Selecting documents to move through an approval process.

When GlobalSearch is selected for Initiator Search, you are presented with Search Select. This is a drop-down of all of the available searches that you are currently secured to in this specified database. When a search is selected, ANY document that is returned by the search will be ingested into the workflow.

Initiator node configured to import tax documents pending indexing.

Initiator Node Using A GlobalSearch Search

Throughly test any search to be used to ingest documents into a GlobalAction workflow to ensure ONLY the desired documents are returned. Once a document enters a workflow, it will be available as Read Only to users not secured to any queues and cannot be ingested into any other workflow until this process is completed.

Use Cases

GlobalSearch Search - Utilize a static search from GlobalSearch that finds any documents with missing index data, and import it into a GlobalAction workflow to have some action taken on those documents.

In this example, I've set the Initiator node to import any documents that fit the criteria for the search: Missing Student ID. This search is configured to find any documents where the Student ID index field is blank.


Initiator Node Configured for GlobalSearch Searches

Initiator Node Configured for Error Importing

GlobalCapture Search - Utilize the Error Importing search to find documents in that have errored in their current GlobalAction process and move them through a process to correct the error.

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