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Frevvo Forms Node

With the Frevvo Forms Node, a Workflow can be set to email a link to a Frevvo Forms form. This allows you to enter required information as part of the Workflow process. Frevvo Forms must be running and functional in your environment to leverage this Node. For details on Frevvo Forms, please refer to the Frevvo Forms Guide.


  1. Drag a Frevvo Forms Node from the Nodes Pane to the Design Canvas.
    1. The Frevvo Forms Node Select dialog box will appear.
  2. Choose a Frevvo Forms form from the list in Select Form.
  3. To refresh the list of available forms, click the Refresh button.
  4. To quickly access the Frevvo Forms Designer, click the Designer button.
  5. Use this to create, edit, or verify a Frevvo Forms form.
  6. Click OK to open an Email Node Settings dialog box.
  7. In the body of the email, insert the Frevvo Forms link using the Link (chain) button.
  8. Click OK.

Frevvo Forms Select

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